My Aha today came while driving to work. I had just had an
invigorating conversation with Jodi (
and had been using metaphor after metaphor.
I just love word pictures.
The one that came to me as I was driving is not new, but I want
to share it to cement it.
We are like an iceberg, a very small portion of who we are is above
board- the rest, the vast majority is hidden. The top our conscious
awareness, the bottom our subconscious.
The largest part is not only hidden from others, but often from ourselves.
The Aha part came when I was considering the ocean- I thought- the ocean is
God (or intention, or all, or whatever you call it), all around us.
Then, what is an iceberg- it is the exact same as the water, just in a temporarily
different state.
So today I am considering myself an iceberg, I'm trying to stay in touch with
the ocean so that I can have contact with some of what's underneath, and eventually
I trust that I will return to the wholeness.
Ahoy Matey!
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