Welcome to Creative Insights,
the free ezine for people at a crossroads in life, who want to tune into their spirit to take their best next step.
In this Issue:
~Personal Note from Kerry
~ Feature Story: My Favorite Daily Practice
~Meditation CDs and E-mail Readings
~About Kerry
A Personal Note
Dear Fawna~
I often talk about Gratitude being a great energy to tune into and explore in order to enhance your life. Gratitude is not about being thankful when things are good and ignoring the things that are bad. It's not about pretending things don't bother you.
It's about acknowledging where you are right now, and looking for the good. Even, and especially, at times when you would tend to frown upon your situation. I should know. Right now I have a choice: continue to love being pregnant at 40+ weeks or wallow, worry and try to control when he's going to arrive.
I'm choosing to enjoy the extra time to myself and to deepen my knowing that everything happens in divine right order. I've developed this daily gratitude practice for myself, enlisted help from a partner, and strengthened it by being a gratitude matchmaker for others.
This helps when the going gets rough, because it's a positive practice to fall back on. But, don't take my word for it, read the featured story to receive another viewpoint on the joys of gratitude.
Warmly and With Grace,
FEATURE STORY: My Favorite Daily Practice
My Favorite Daily Practice by Fawna Bews
One year ago this weekend I flew to Chicago with 2 of my closest friends. On a surreal adventure we were off to watch the Oprah show. One of the highlights of this trip was meeting my 'Gratitude Buddy', Kerry Sammon, for the first time face to face.
Let me back up a little, in early 2009 I received an email from a stranger. Kerry's email read something like this "This might seem strange, but I read this article about 2 women who were gratitude buddies and how it changed their lives and when I ask my guidance who would be good I keep getting your name- I know you don't know me, but what do you think?"
Kerry and I had shared a coach, Sharon Desjarlais, and she had used some of my work as examples for Kerry. I enthusiastically replied 'yes' and we began a near daily exchange of gratitude emails.
In an unspoken pact Kerry and I did not exchange any other details of our lives- gratitude only. I can't tell you how joyful it is to get to know someone only by what they are grateful for. Our gratitude ranged from the minute- I am grateful for green grass- to the Divine- I am grateful for God's love for me and everything in between.
Gradually over the next couple of months it came out that we had both started out with careers as Physical Therapists and had moved on to do CranioSacral and Intuitive work. We had both had cancer in our late 20's and were survivors who now take thyroid medication as a result. We both had birthdays in March and we were consistently reading the same books.
Daily gratitude with Kerry has truly changed my life. I often find myself composing the emails in my head, capturing gratitude that may otherwise have gone unnoticed. I purposefully use the gratitude emails to lift my spirits when I'm down.
Dusty (my husband) has long since stopped asking me what I am smiling at- I have a 'patented gratitude smile' that comes when I read Kerry's gratitude emails and more than once I have been literally laughing out loud at my Mac.
Kerry is now offering to be a 'gratitude matchmaker' and I am quite sure that she would agree with me that this single and simple act has enriched our daily lives and impacted our success in the past 18 months.
So, back to flying to Chicago. There at the airport was my dear new friend Kerry- we were not in the car 5 minutes before we were in deep conversation about the joy of being human.
We spent 4 days in her home/wellness center- taking in Oprah, meditating together and painting her workspace. I am so grateful to have Kerry in my life.
If you are looking for simplicity in self help, for ease of movement, for the quick fix- try gratitude, it's working for me.
Fawna Bews
If you'd like to develop or strengthen a gratitude practice of your own, simply reply "gratitude matchmaker" and I will happily pair you up.
There are currently no events scheduled for October. Kerry will be on maternity leave during this time.
Email readings/sessions and meditation CDs will continue to be available during this time. For either, simply reply "e-reading" or "meditation CD list" and I will follow up with details.
Stay tuned for upcoming events.
Busy? On the Go? Check out these E-reading rates:
$40: One Question
$70: One Question, deeper look, Healing (Chakra balancing, Aura, Energy system)
$95: Full Session (Framing of Issue, In-depth Insight, Healing, Next Step)
Private session booking is easy. Readings, spiritual coaching, and one-on-one meditation sessions are available via email. Feel free to call or e-mail me. I'm happy to help you set it up.
CD's of meditations and events are always available.
About Kerry Sammon
Kerry Sammon is a six-sensory teacher, body-worker and healer who helps people who are stuck, stressed or simply wanting more, to tune into their spirit, feel good in their body and enhance their lives.
A Clairvoyant Reading offers insight as you go through transitions in you life. This allows you the opportunity to negotiate through challenges with ease.
As a professional clairvoyant and spiritual coach, Kerry helps you learn more about where you are now, so you can make the necessary shifts to experience the life you desire. Based on seeing you as Spirit, a one-on-one session speaks to your true heart and nature. This helps you to take your best next step.
Body-Work Session: You are invited to relax in loose comfortable clothing on a massage table as you receive gentle hands-on therapy.
As a physical therapist and practitioner of CranioSacral therapy, Zero Balancing and the Healing Arts, Kerry offers holistic care to adults and children. By blending the art and science of traditional and alternative techniques, a session with Kerry unlocks long held patterns of pain and increases your energy.
Do you know other open-minded people who'd like some insight? You're welcome to forward this e-mail to them, preferably in its entirety, including the contact and copyright information.
Warmest Regards,
Dynamic Ease LLC, 3424 N. Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60618, USA
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