When I went to get my mail last week this sign took my breath away!
I shrunk a little in my car and felt my heart beating faster. I have
been asked do a presentation for our library and this is the advertisement.
So what's with the panic? That's what I asked myself.
In a previous post I shared about a tendency to keep things to myself- hoarding as it were.
When people used to meet me the general consensus was "Fawna is so quiet". A
chameleon, I enjoyed blending into the background and put as little of myself
out there as possible.
I thought I had put this to rest over the past couple of years- but one billboard
reaction shows me that there is some residue laying in there.
I read, I believe and I teach that we are greater than we can even imagine.
I read, I believe and I aspire to serve something greater than myself.
For years in fact my most common prayer is "I'm ready, show me where I might
serve the greater good". Recently these prayers are being answered in spades
as I have greater client numbers and speaking opportunities than ever.
And yet there is that little part that says "NO! QUIET- DON'T TELL ANYONE". I
can see how this has kept me from finishing books, stepping up and 'hanging it
all out there'. Fear of what? Looking weird, sounding like a whacko, seeming
like I'm too big for my britches? Yep, and like all fears- perfect for keeping
me separated from my purpose.
Laughing now, I have reconciled the billboard- grateful to see and LET GO of the
urge to stay hidden. I have things to share, and I know that you do too!
Please join me in laughing away those messages that keep us in our same places, playing small and pretending to be 'not that big of a deal'.
A billboard...geez...