Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Other People

It’s funny how the idea of ‘other people’ can sneak in and sabotage.  

This morning I was starting a fire, preparing for a client and I was hearing the word ‘nurture’.  “Oh that’s nice I thought, there is a message for L.”, then more started coming in about “the wellspring inside of us and how everything on the outside (in the world) is a pale comparison to what is available to us when we tap into Truth.”  I was preparing the wording in my head and the timing, do I tell her or do I just see if it comes up naturally? Meanwhile I was also thinking, I need to eat, I need a coffee, I need a bath.  

BAM- and this is why this blog is called Everyday Aha, I heard “Why do you need a bath?”.  I like the bath because it makes me feel warm and centered, comfortable.  I need the food because it will satisfy my hunger, coffee comforts me and wakes me up.  

Well...here’s the thing, the premise I’m living from now is that this is not true, these feelings- comfort, warmth, centered come from inside- are always available and in a richer format than when we look outside.  Don’t get me wrong, this does not mean I’m not going to eat and bathe, I’m just not willing to forget (for very long) where my true comfort lies.  This idea of inside out living is becoming real for me, it is proving itself (as premises do) and I will be sharing more on it as time goes by.  

My point here is that often the advice we are giving, or the good idea’s we have are for ‘other people’.  As a teacher and a healer I can get hung up on ‘knowing things’- heck it shows up as a wife and mother fairly often too!  Okay, I’m going in, in to the wellspring to get connected.  I can’t give what I don’t have.  

Love You!

1 comment:

  1. Love You Dear Fawna. You make me smile and Every Post Your Write opens up heart in a Aha! moment. No wonder You felt and choose it as a name for Your Blog.

    Thank You so much for sharing this. The presence just is. Loving Presence shows through all Your share and write and touches heart, inspiring it to be present in luminous ways as You do. Love and Light, Niranjan.
