Hot Tips For A Happy Life
July and August 2010
Sitting here today completely enjoying 'So You Think You Can Dance Canada' and I'm amazed at how my
body knows good dance. Certain dancers just bring tears to my eyes, completely beyond thinking and rationalizing,
just unsolicited tears, goosebumps or involuntary dancing along. This speaks to June's newsletter- Did you try it?
Did you figure out what really 'jazzes' you. Don't worry if it was hard- that's part of the process, it's absolutely amazing
how disconnected we can be and continue to function, albeit unhappily, in this world. This is why I gave you an extra month
to work on it (smiles).
Often it is easier to know what definitely 'unjazzes' (made up word- feel free to use). These, 'definitely not this' moments
can be harvested too. Play with them, flip them- I hate mornings to I love evenings for instance.
That brings me to this months topic, as promised- "okay- I noticed that I am about 99% default program- what do I do"?
Okay, here's the thing. As children we are essentially an open book to be written upon, your actual brain waves are almost
always in alpha and theta- perfect for learning, with alpha creating a port between the subconscious and the conscious mind.
This is not to blame anyone because we are all in the same boat!
The process of waking up, finding consciousness, self awareness, self actualization, the road to joy- whatever you would
like to call it are essentially ways to describe undoing the programming or domestication of ourselves. The 'just noticing'
process that you tried in June was the starting point, if you missed the June issue you can read it at
Once you notice though, how do you delete this programming you no longer want? I would love to have just one quick answer to this
question, but like the good coach that I am, I am going to ask you another question.
But first- a story-
A Grandfather from the Cherokee Nation was talking with his grandson.
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves."
"One wolf is evil and ugly: He is anger, envy, war, greed, self-pity, sorrow, regret, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride,
superiority, selfishness and arrogance. "The other wolf is beautiful and good: He is friendly, joyful, peace, love, hope, serenity,
humility, kindness, benevolence, justice, fairness, empathy, generosity, true, compassion, gratitude, and deep VISION."
"This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other human as well."
The grandson paused in deep reflection because of what his grandfather had just said. Then he finally cried out; "Oyee! Grandfather,
which wolf will win?"The elder Cherokee replied, "The wolf that you feed."
The question is, "How do you feed your good wolf?". A lot of counseling, coaching and spiritual teachings focus on the
'bad wolf', my preference is to feed that good wolf, allow the rest to be noticed, to fall away and enjoy yourself in the process.
Now, don't get me wrong- I'm not advocating repressing, hiding or ignoring those less desirable feelings or thoughts- quite the opposite- feel it completely,
it's part of the human game, but as soon as you have felt it reach for the nearest 'good wolf food'.
Follow your Bliss friend! Next month: "The Work"- a great tool for a truly happy life.
I'd love for this to be a two way conversation, don't hesitate to send me your comments, questions or enthusiastic praise.
I also invite you to join me for a one on one session in my cozy cabin. September is a bit of a time of renewal or starting over. Like New Years
many of us make plans around "when the kids are back in school I will...". Using a variety of gentle and powerful techniques I can enhance your
intuition and your connection to the answers that you need, they are all right there inside of you. Call me at 403 558 2236 or check out my website.
I think I can dance...
I have often asked myself similar questions. Why is is so easy to follow the negative? Gossip, hurt feelings spread like wildfire, whereas smiles, kind words and random acts of kindness take many before they are spread. I believe that awareness a big part of this. Read the newspaper, listen to TV...its full of the disasters of life. Its hard to come across a feel good story. Therefore, we as humans, are programmed to follow or spread the negative. It is easy. Its all around us. It is now up to each individual to become aware of the greatness in our hearts, in others souls, in our neighbors and in our society. Shift your focus from the negative to greatness. That's how I feed my good wolf. And I believe it works.