Thursday, February 3, 2011

Going Slow to Go Fast

Despite a house full of kids, the chaos of dogs and paying bills I am at peace.

I just came from 4 days on Destination Coach- in their own words:

"This is where you uncover your own Inspired Future, whilst also learning how to influence, inspire and coach others into their future." from the Inspired Future Website-

I was going in to be a support on this one, providing optional CranioSacral Therapy treatments to the participants. Everyone took us up on the offer and that is a totally other wonderful story.

When I arrived I was invited to fully participate- an opportunity I jumped at.

I'm going to back up to the week leading up to the event.

Have you ever wrestled with going away? My ego was on full alert- and I received a visit from a gremlin from my past. This particular gremlin loves to say "That's enough, you don't need any more". I'm going away in both April and May and the story I started to tell myself was- enough...enough....

Of course this is not accurate and I shushed this and went anyway.

The result.

I gave my husband a chance to shine (and he did), I met some AMAZING people and fell in love with some new parts of myself.

One of Aileen Gibbs lessons is "Go Slow to Go Fast" and that's how I feel today- these 4 days are going to propel me forward- more because I lost resistance than 'gaining' anymore. I let things go.

This is not meant as an ad for Inspired Future (although I can't think of anyone who would not benefit).

I just wanted to capture the value of time out. The value of reflection and connecting with yourself and others in a deep and meaningful way.

Not only this but it hit me that I thought I didn't need it- I did! I am not always the best judge of what I need- ha ha ha.

I am so grateful that I was open enough to accepting this time away and my families help.

I am energized towards finishing my book and responding to business.

I am filled up.

Sound good?

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