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The metaphor of the ego showing up as fog has been coming to me and the people that are in sessions with me time and time again. By ego I mean suffering, the false self, the ‘little me’, that part of us that feels scared and powerless.
Sometimes when I experience the word or picture of fog it breaks out into ‘fear of God’, when I can see it for what it is it seems less scary and less real.
A few weeks ago in a session a client asked a fantastic question. “What causes fog?” We discussed how fog, in the most basic of descriptions, is caused by temperature differentials coming up against each other.
Yesterday in a session we could see clearly that there was the light of Truth shining and always available and the person and the only thing between the two was fog. Fighting the fog is well, just think about it, can you fight the fog? A little like shadow boxing, a little like a lot of us are experiencing here, right?
Eventually the sun burns the fog away.
So how is this metaphor actually helpful, how can we apply it here and now. My current mission is titled “bringing heaven to earth”. My current belief system holds that heaven IS here, now but that it is out of my awareness because of the fog, and I am creating the fog.
I want to experience the sun, here, now. So what can I do? The answer I get is to stay warm, be warm, bring warmth. In every situation there is a chance and a choice point to ‘close’- shut down the heart- the fire- the warmth or to ‘open’. We may not always be aware of this choice because the pattern of protection and guarding (closing down) has been reinforced many times. As Brene Brown’s work says, vulnerability takes courage. Vulnerability, staying open (I picture my big white dog and how he lays on his back for anyone- winning them over and bringing Peace) takes courage. The root of courage- cour, comes from ‘heart’.
So to bring it!
1. Remember what you want (if you are like me you want Love- happiness, peace- the whole enchilada). Purpose is the first choice.
2. Drop out of the head (the head is in charge of ‘danger, danger’- it is a memory bank- the reinforcer)
3. Drop into the heart.
4. Stay warm, sense the temptation to close or shut down and go back to #1.
5. You are Love, so what you are asking for is natural- your true state may be long forgotten, but it is accessible here and now.
Staying Warm,
Fawna, you are an exquisite writer. Your words sink into my soul, the love and wisdom within them are breathtaking. Staying to the 'cour' of my heart since working with you, has been much easier. I am reminded of the crevace in the deep blue ocean, the water above me - like the fog - can either be suffocating, or I can choose to see the beauty in it. So for me #1 - much like you - love, peace, happiness, and being in the flow of this magnificent life.
ReplyDeleteThank you dear one for your beautiful reflection.
Hugs Lee
Thank You Lee (heart, heart, heart)