Welcome to Creative Insights,
the free ezine for people at a crossroads in life, who want to tune into their spirit to take their best next step.
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In this Issue:
~a Note from Kerry
~Meditation this Thursday: Having Your Relationships
~Feature Article: Year of The Share- Fawna's Story
~Calender of Events
~Special Announcements
~About Kerry
A Personal Note from Kerry
About 1 year ago, I heard about 2 women who exchanged gratitude emails everyday to enhance their appreciation of life. I thought it was a great idea and began to brainstorm on who would be the perfect partner for me.
A name, "popped" into my mind. I dismissed it. After all, I didn't know this woman, but had simply read her website with intrigue as I was creating mine. She'd think I was crazy if she got a random email from me asking to be gratitude partners.
I went to walk my friend's dog, and had my mind on other things. I had wondered again about a gratitude partner and then quickly had the least jerked and about fell over. In the process my phone fell out. The screen highlighted on a name "Fawna" as an email had come in from her e-zine.
I giggled at the "coincidence", put my pride aside and invited her to be my buddy. She happily replied with a gratitude email to start things off, and we have been enhancing one another's lives ever since.
If you'd like a gratitude buddy of your own, let me know, I will gladly match you up and get you started on a journey of appreciation and receiving wonderful gifts as a result. Simple respond "gratitude" to this email, I'll take care of the rest.
Here's a great story from Fawna about giving and receiving and the lessons she is learning along the way.
September of 2009 was a busy month. When I received Velva Dawn's email asking me to please, please, please click on the link that she had provided and put my name (and hers) in for Oprah tickets my first thought was- we are too busy to go to Oprah. Fortunately I was just coming off of a workshop about putting others needs above your own.
Well, 2 days later I was checking messages, the subject line said "congratulations", I opened it and lo and behold, we had 4 seats to the Oprah Show. My immediate thought was "I don't need to go", leading me on an internal journey about 'need' and my habit of dismissing gifts from the Universe- I'm fine, don't need anything, I'm good, don't worry about me- tiresome!
I got over it and informed the 3 lovely ladies on my guest list that we were going to Oprah. One of my guests was our very own Kerry Sammon.
Early last year I received an email "you don't know me but...", with an article about 2 women who were gratitude buddies and a request to be her buddy. We began to email daily about our gratitude. Only gratitude, no life details, and the gratitude ran the gamut from the mundane "I'm grateful for beer" to the sublime "I'm grateful for the presence of the Divine in my life". I can't put into words how this has lifted my spirits and left me with a goofy look on my face.
Okay, back to Oprah. All of my ego worries were relieved quickly, I used Airmiles and paid only $74 for my ticket, my Mom and Dad volunteered to take the kids, it was game on. The Oprah show topic- Hoarders (read: no gifts!). It was interesting and well done and over in a flash. I particularly liked how Oprah handled 'the expert'.
We had a wonderful breakfast and discussed the reason that we may have been at the Hoarders show, hiding our disappointment at not getting any stuff :). I came away with the thought that my hoarding comes in the form of hoarding information- taking in everything in sight and never sharing or letting it go. A major block to the dream of being an author.
2010 is therefore the 'year of the share' for me, and if this is any indication- so far-so good.
To Learn more about the fabulous Fawna Bews, Check her out at:
facebook profile: http://profile.to/fawnabews
Ebook: www.yourcancercompanion.com
Events at Dynamic Ease Wellness Center in Chicago:
Qi Gong/Moving Meditation Mondays: Every Monday, 6-7 pm. Simply respond "Qi Gong" to this email if you'd like to attend. $10
Learn to feel energy through your hands and sense it coursing through your body. Simple movements are involved and it's easy to incorporate this into your day. It clears your head and leaves you feeling well-balanced, healthy and alive.
Dynamic Ease Meditation: Every Thursday, 7:30-8:30pm. Simply respond "Meditation" to this email if you'd like to attend. $10
Theme for May: Havingness=The ability to have, to receive.
May 13th: Having Your Relationships
May 20th: Having Financial Success
May 27th: Having Balance in Your Life
Psychic Play Date Workshop: Coming Soon. Stay tuned for details.
People often ask me, "What's it like to be psychic?" Well, it's easy and fun, and quite frankly we are all doing it, everyday.
This interactive workshop uses games and simple techniques to learn to tune into your energy and the energy around you. This is useful in making strong decisions from a natural state of well-being.
Busy? On the Go? Check out these E-reading rates:
$40: One Question
$70: One Question, deeper look, Healing (Chakra balancing, Aura, Energy system)
$95: Full Session (Framing of Issue, In-depth Insight, Healing, Next Step)
Private session booking is easy. Readings and spiritual coaching, one-on-one meditation sessions and hands-on work are available in person, by phone or via computer video call. Feel free to call or e-mail me. I'm happy to help you set it up.
Not in Chicago? Inquire about a phone call-in, or even a video call from the convenience of your computer. Simply respond "phone me in" or "Skype me in" and mention the workshop you are interested in. I'll help you set it up. Two days advance notice is requested.
About Kerry Sammon
Kerry Sammon is a six-sensory teacher, body-worker and healer who helps people who are stuck, stressed or simply wanting more, to tune into their spirit, feel good in their body and enhance their lives.
A Clairvoyant Reading offers insight as you go through transitions in you life. This allows you the opportunity to negotiate through challenges with ease.
As a professional clairvoyant and spiritual coach, Kerry helps you learn more about where you are now, so you can make the necessary shifts to experience the life you desire. Based on seeing you as Spirit, a one-on-one session speaks to your true heart and nature. This helps you to take your best next step.
Body-Work Session: You are invited to relax in loose comfortable clothing on a massage table as you receive gentle hands-on therapy.
As a physical therapist and practitioner of CranioSacral therapy, Zero Balancing and the Healing Arts, Kerry offers holistic care to adults and children. By blending the art and science of traditional and alternative techniques, a session with Kerry unlocks long held patterns of pain and increases your energy.
Do you know other open-minded people who'd like some insight? You're welcome to forward this e-mail to them, preferably in its entirety, including the contact and copyright information.
Warmest Regards,
www.dynamicease.comDynamic Ease LLC, 3424 N. Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60618, USA