Friday, December 31, 2010

Hot Tips for a Happy Life
January 2011

I haven't been inspired to do my newsletter for the last two months but after hearing and seeing the raft of "Top _____ of 2010" I was thinking about what 'tip' made me the HAPPIEST in 2010.

After thinking for a little while, this one story keeps coming back- I think of this comparison often and I hope it's helpful to you too.

I would love to hear your top 'happy maker' in the comment section- would be great to create a list.

Thank You for your support in 2010, it was a year abundant in amazing people.

I am grateful to tears for the conversations and the wise teachers of 2010-
thank you, thank you, thank you.

Blessings to you into 2011,
May your year be all that you want it to be.

A Big Assumption

The thought that has been most helpful in maintaining happiness this year is

........(drum roll)......

God Loves Me.

I know that all three little words are emotionally charged-

GOD- insert whatever word you like for a benevolent creative force.

Loves- insert a word that you can grasp- caring, compassionate, unconditional positive regard (a counseling term) and

ME- by me I am referring to that changeless perfection- that full value that never goes away- the original you.

I will explain with a word picture- please stay with me as it might not make sense at first.

I trust McDonalds, I trust them so much that when I go to the drive thru window I order confidently, I order and I drive forward. I expect them to deliver exactly what I want and in 5 minutes or less. If they do not provide me with what I want I am MAD!!! No straws? No fries? watch out.

Now, here is me with the Divine. I put in my order, I reword my order and put it in again. I order again, I order again, I beg, I do a bit of bargaining...Sometimes I drive forward, but usually just a bit and then I go back to the order window- "did you get that?", "did you hear me?", "maybe if I light a candle, chant and wear the right shirt?".

I trust McDonalds, I am getting better at Trusting God.

I am getting better at trusting that God Loves Me- it changes the way that I look at everything, it changes what I expect, it changes how I see the people around me.

Now, before I go on, I need to squeeze this metaphor a little bit more.

I don't want anyone to get the impression that I believe that if I order a car, a relationship or a full night of sleep at the Divine Drive Up window that if I just drive forward I will get it. God loves me. She knows what I really want.

At the Divine Drive Inn the menu reads like this:


The price that I need to pay is only this thought

- that I am not worth it-

in all the ways that that this thought shows up (for me it's usually guilt).

If I put in an order for this menu, I will get it- I've tried it this year, if I ask and trust it will be there I will dine on the menu item of my choice.

The funniest part, usually while I am driving forward I look over and- bam- there it is- it was
with me all the time.

Happily Yours,

2011 Events

May 10 and 11 I will be hosting Jason Warwick- a 'Messenger of Peace' and ACIM teacher
He will be doing a Tuesday evening workshop in Calgary
and a day workshop in Longview on Wednesday- with a movie night!!

90 minute healing sessions, flexible times available

More Kitchen Table Awareness coming... for more details

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hot Tips for a Happy Life
November 2010


The way this month has gone you probably would have liked a hot tip sooner,
a hot anything!

I have been wanting to write on the subject of today's newsletter for quite a while.

Today, after spending the day in the mall with my 3 children, it is top of mind!

Acceptance: today I had to accept that 13 year olds are not that excited about
Santa pictures, that 12 year old girls do not have a lot of patience, particularly
with 4 year old brothers who ask a lot of questions and change every song to
include the word 'poop' in it.

I had to accept that when shopping with the agenda's of 4 different people the
ability to stay peaceful is less easy.

The last few months the tips have been based around 'noticing' your thoughts.
Once they are noticed the next step to happy is acceptance.

It is what it is,


Have you ever felt the frustration of going on a full rant and having someone say
"you just have to accept it". Accept a 'broken' healthcare system, children getting hurt or starvation in Africa???

The clearest I've been able to get on this is that acceptance means looking clearly at
what is in front of you and having a sense that 'it is what it is', taking away the
suffering aspect- the arguing aspect.

This does not mean that you don't notice how something might be improved-
or hold you back fromtaking inspired action on those thoughts. Acceptance is
not necessarily a passive decision.

What has helped me with acceptance are babies and flowers. Babies cannot walk,
they cannot talk, they poop their pants- but are they 'broken'? They are babies.
Flowers grow in a process, when they break through the dirt we are not disappointed
that they are not in bloom- we trust in growth. We trust in growth.

Have you ever considered that our health and education systems in Canada are
100 years old- thisis pretty young in the whole scheme of things.

I just watched a program tonight that described human time on earth as a 'blink'
in earth time- we are young. I heard the saying once "What can we expect, none
of us has been raised by an adult yet". Does that resonate with you?

In most situations if we had ALL of the information we would be able to 'accept' what
we see has happened or is happening. As it is we have a sliver of information with which
to take in information. If we could see it all we would also be able to see that things can
move forward, there is a way to connect to this- but that is another story, . for the purposes
of this article you might just try 'trusting' that if you knew the big picture it would make more sense.

Don't get me wrong- acceptance to me does not mean that something is okay or great.
I would never say to an abuse victim- you just need to accept it- what I have heard from people who have been abused though is that they truly move forward once they come to this decision themselves.

So, what is the problem with NOT accepting? Not accepting is not trusting, not trusting is fear. Fear offersthree options: Fight, Flight or Freeze. These three options have done little to aid our human growth.

I am not implying apathy in any way by suggesting acceptance, I am encouraging trusting a way forward andlooking for your part in it.

Our greatest improvements have been based in people being willing to take a total look at something, offer compassion and offer nourishment. Like the babies and the blooms,
how can you nourish an immature event in your life? A marriage, a frustration, world peace!

Finally, and you can probably predict this- most important is self-acceptance. Our self judgements are not always readily obvious, but underneath most judgment of other people
is the shadow of our own self loathing.

Try this "I Accept Myself, right now, just as I am"- journal what comes out- thoughts, feelings, arguments, agreements. On a scale of 1-10 how close are you to fully accepting yourself. In your minds eye push thatlittle guage up to 10 and see how it feels.

The truth is, you are perfect, just the way you are. Whether you are fully blooming or just pushing through the
dirt, you are connected and part of a perfect whole.

Peace to you as you prepare for Christmas

Currently I have no upcoming events, I am happy to come and teach/ share a circle for your group. If you are interested in the area's of 'the ego', 'who am I, truly', the etheric/unseen world, the chakra's/energy world, how to connect to your body, the mind or spirit or how to truly listen- please call me and we will set something up.

Byron Katie Workshop at Highwood River Inn
Author of "Loving What IS"
A trained factilitator of 'The Work'- Paul, will be doing a 3 day intensive in February.
If you truly want to dig out the BS that is interfering with your happiness- this is
the course for you. Contact me for more information.

$60 hour treatments in my cozy cabin will come to an end at the end of this year.
Prices will be going up, If you would like to purchase gift certificates I will make that available on my website or you can contact me directly.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Celebrating Gentle

Celebrating Gentle

When I’m asked “what is CranioSacral Therapy” I almost always use the word “gentle”.

After months of chemotherapy, acupuncture, radiation and every medical test known to man (or so it seemed) I was SO relieved to experience gentle.

Not only was the experience amazing, the results- a return of my energy and freedom from pain, led me to train in this ‘gentle’ modality.

Have you noticed how harsh our North America has become, the commercials, the music, the media? Not a lot of ‘gentle’ reporting on Fox news!

Don’t get me wrong- there is a time and a place for force- opening Ketchup jars, splitting firewood or firemen kicking in doors or instance.

What I am thinking about is balance- let us not save gentleness for babies, small animals and new love.

Like the light touch of CranioSacral (generally no greater than the weight of a nickel), how much more effective might we be if we used kinder and softer words, gentle reactions, gentle self talk?

Draw some gentle into your day today, take a quiet walk, watch your words (yes, the ones in your head too!) embrace yourself as you would a newborn.

In your meditation, or the quiet minutes before you get up – taste the word gentle on your tongue- think the word and try to feel and absorb gentle into every part of you.

My experience is that gentle can be an exquisite form of strength.

In the words of Ghandi “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” And I know that you are a world shaker!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fear and Public Washrooms

Abandoned workers walk inside the washrooms in the Portland labour camp in an industrial area on the outskirts of Sharjah, July 20, 2010. The workers in the Sharjah camp say they have not been paid monthly wages of about 800 dirhams ($217) in six months to a year, and their families are going hungry. Abandoned by employers who left the United Arab Emirates after the Dubai economy soured, the men cannot afford to stay, but they also cannot leave. They have not been paid for months and their passports were confiscated long ago. To match Feature EMIRATES-WORKERS/ REUTERS/Jumana El Heloueh (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Tags: BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT)

Likely connection right?

This morning I was thinking about fear and wanting a metaphor to ground it for me. I like to do that, think in stories and pictures to make abstract concepts easier to grasp.

So, I was thinking of fear and I asked Holy Spirit (use whatever inner wisdom word you like here) to help me with that one.

Well, as is often the case, the answer that showed up made me laugh.

Fear is like a public washroom, a necessary evil for a time. There are times when you just have to go in, get done what needs to get done and then GET OUT! Don't hang out in there!!!!

It can be nasty in there, it can be smelly and yucky and uncomfortable, get in, get out.

What do I mean by 'do what needs to be done', not in the bathroom- you know that part, but what about fear. There are times on the way Home that you need to sit with your fear, don't ignore it. The metaphor still works here- you will get a stomach ache- or something worse if you just pretend that it is not happening.

Deal with it, go to that place, be there, do what needs to be done. This can be forgiveness, noticing, finding a way to let it go-for me it is remembering where I came from and who I truly am- and wash your hands of what you don't want hanging around. Practice mental and spiritual hygiene.

I mentioned near the beginning that this is just on the way Home, so will this always be the case? NO! Here is the light at the end of the tunnel, a time will come when you are just done with it. When you accept that you are one with all, let go of duality and are in the now, then the public washroom and a beautiful meadow are no different- because you are there. In complete presence you can see and experience the underlying fabric of wonder. You can actually look for it right now if you like- it's always there.

In the mean time, same advice for a public washroom, go into fear (or it's siblings- anger, guilt, worry), do what is necessary and as quickly as possible- get out, back into the light of day.

Any thoughts?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

October Newsletter- Hot Tips for a Happy Life

October 2010

Newsletter Items:
Recap of Ego Workshop
Upcoming Events
Friends Upcoming Events

Hello and Happy October!

A week ago I had just said goodbye to an amazing group of people who
joined me for a day of exploring the 'ego'.

My incentive for doing the course was an answer to my ego's prodding (lying) that
"you can't do courses by yourself".

I spent most of my preparation time 'undoing' and resisting the urge to prepare
and I am so glad that I did.

Today's newsletter will be a recap of the course for those of you who couldn't make it-
DON"T WORRY- it will be very point form and I would like to share a couple of video links with you.

If you prefer to read it later I invite you to scroll down and look at the November 20 course as well
as a couple of recommendations for courses that are coming up.

All about the 'Ego'- the 30 second version of our day

The ego that I am referring to is any thoughts that suggest that you are separate from others.

We started the course out at the End. If you have a chance here is a great exercise to center
yourself and get down to remembering your inherent wonderfulness.

Find a comfortable spot and progressively relax your entire body, when you are relaxed picture yourself
in the safest and most comfortable place that you can imagine. From this place and awareness ask
your inner wisdom this question "WHO AM I?" Do not judge what comes (judgement is the glue that
holds the ego together). Ask the question again and again. Initially you may get a lot of labels, mother- wife,
massage therapist etc. keep asking beyond this and see what you get.

After discussion we did an exercise called "Unpacking the Rocks" (I actually just made that up this very second).

Picture yourself as a baby, the wonder and perfection of that first moment. We talked about how the very first
time that you see or experience something is the purest and the closest to truth. The first time you climb a
hill and the vista before you is beyond words, you breathe deeply and take it all in. The second time you begin
to judge- it's colder this time, I can't see as far etc. Taking you out of this moment and into the past.

The rock exercise involves writing on rocks with sharpie, examining all of the 'judgments' that get put on almost
immediately after birth. It's a girl, she's white, she's healthy or not- and all of the baggage that comes along
with this.

This is not an exercise to induce guilt- we are all in this boat together- it is only for recognition.
We follow through the lifetime and all of the 'stuff' or rocks that get added into the backpack.

Finally- there comes a point when you are reminded in some way that maybe, just maybe- these rocks are
not who you ARE and you begin to disidentify.

Unloading the rocks is a process outlined in tonnes of self help/psychology/spirituality books. In a nutshell-
NOTICE, RISE ABOVE, EVALUATE (true, not true), FORGIVE-LET GO- okay that took me 10 years and
1000's of books to get to, please take it and collapse time- or enjoy the road, either way- you are perfect!

We had a yummy lunch and enjoyed the outdoors a bit and then back to work :)

There is a story about a Navajo grandfather who once told his grandson, "Two
wolves live inside me. One is the bad wolf, full of greed and laziness, full of anger and jealousy and regret. The other is the good wolf, full of joy and compassion and willingness and a great love for the world. All the time, these wolves are fighting inside me." "But grandfather," the boy said. "Which wolf will win?" The grandfather answered, "The one I feed."

I have heard the story told in many different ways but this is the basic version.

SO, ask yourself- how do I feed my good wolf?

And the other?

This lead to more great discussion and THEN- the bonus of not preparing and
allowing spirit to lead.

My friends from brought their drums and we were
treated to a drum circle- just as we were about to start a carload of First Nations men
stopped in for gas money. I declined to give them gas money, but when they saw my drum
one of them asked to come in. In he came, listened and then played the hand drum and
sang us a song- it was perfect!!! I was so grateful to spirit for showing the wonder that can
come from not listening to ego (which may have said- send them packing!).

We wrapped up the day with meditation once again- asking "Who Am I?" and touched on
the wonder of that brand new baby.

Finally- the best way to stop our addiction to the ego's insistence that we are all in danger, all
separate and this is an every man for himself kind of world-

This is a lot of information- hours in 222 kb I would love to do this workshop again- if you are
interested in getting a group together please let me know!


The follow up to the Ego Course "Kitchen Table Awareness- Who am I then?" will be held
on November 20th. We will be enjoying that still quiet voice within, touching on the part of us
that is unique but connected- like the facet on a diamond you have a unique light to shine. Behind your
roles and masks there is an underlying 'wholeness'- we will be spending the day teasing it out.
This course will involve creating a connection board (like a vision board) and all supplies will be
included. Course price $60 also includes Lunch.
LOCATION CHANGE- Stampede Ranch For Kids, Big Room- this room will allow us space to spread out
and complete our boards- and it is super cool (Dusty and I were married here).
respond to this email to register or register at

Intriguing Workshops by My friends:

Velva Dawn Silver Hughes of Ancient Aspirations- Longview November 6, 2010
Trusting Your Own Healing Abilities with Dana, Aine, and Ixchel
Edmonton- November 13, 2010
Atlantean Activation~ Dolphins, Crystals, Goddess Workshop
Details at:

Highwood River Inn- an Mother/Daughter sleepover- join at the in Friday for games, movies
and bonfire, sleep over, full day of appetizer cooking and pampering Saturday- all for $125
call 403 558 2456 to book in with your daughter- space is limited.

Legacy Artwork- drum making workshops! A dynamic pair, their workshop will be so much
more than making your OWN drum- an experience not to be missed. Dates and details at: look under Urban Retreats on the Right hand side of the page!

Have an amazing November- you are love, you are loved.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How A Course In Miracles Saved My Anniversary

15 years today! It’s a gorgeous fall day, very similar to our wedding day.

Dusty headed to work and I had gifted myself with a day of solitude and unplanned wandering. The kids were taken care of and I resisted the urge to make plans with anybody.

I woke up with the sun and went out on the deck- welcomed the day and asked for the Holy Spirit to guide and organize my day.

I decided to anchor myself at the Good Earth Café and enjoy a day of uninterrupted web surfing and writing- this and the promise of a green tea latte had my heart all a pitter-patter.

So, you can imagine my dismay when within 5 minutes of the Café Dusty called and requested that I pick him up some building supplies and deliver them to his worksite (45 minutes away)!

His request was met with instantaneous tears. I immediately engaged in whining, asking him if he really needed it, he explained that he did. I told him of my plans and then requested at least 2 hours of my time before I made delivery.

He sighed with relief and said that that would be okay, but that he really needed these items today.

I hung up quickly, still swallowing a lump of tears and began to mourn and rant about the loss of my day, tying it to the loss of my previous chiseled out day and the voice of lament journeyed over the fact that I never get to do what I want, I never get a day alone, he wouldn’t help me this morning and now he just expects me to wreck my whole day for him…and then- HS- thank goodness- threw in a life preserver. “Is this what you are going to choose?”.

Just two days ago I had (once again) begun the Course In Miracles. I have read a lot of authors takes on it, have flipped through it, but have yet to complete the 365 lessons in the workbook. Day two’s lesson was “I create the meaning in this_________” (paraphrased)- this message slipped under the pity party and I felt the beginning of release, I bounced back and forth for about 10 minutes, other words from the course jumped in- urging me towards peace. “I don’t know what my needs are”- I need a day to myself- do I? Is that true? “My brothers needs are my needs”, this was the first that I truly considered Dusty’s dilemma and he obviously had felt and known my discontent. I then remembered that it was this very thought that led me to getting Oprah tickets!!!

So just as I turned into the Good Earth Café I heard the final kicker “Are you going to trust, or what?”. I had given the Holy Spirit this day, and now I was ranting about what a crappy job she was doing of it- me with my limited vision and perspective versus her with the whole picture (very similar to my arguments with my toddler).

I took a big breathe and chose acceptance, trusting that my day would benefit everyone. I congratulated myself on asking for the two hours- in past years I would have chosen the martyr route, going to get supplies with rage and dismay and dropping it off with tears and dramatic flair, maybe rippin’ Dusty a new one when he got home, or more likely choosing icy silence- Happy Anniversary!

I spent my two hours with my computer and my green tea latte and I was ready to move when it was time; the pick up was effortless and at drop off the final sad parts of me were blasted off by the exquisite view and the perfection of the fall day in the magical place that Dusty is currently working.

I took some time to be thankful, picked some Sage and visited the creek, knowing full well that I could have been pouting.

And now I sit here- blogging in my peaceful house, grateful to have chosen love, peace and forgiveness.

Tonight we will spend the evening at a town meeting on the Sewage Lagoon that is being placed adjacent to us- I’m laughing at this as I write, I’m sure this too will all work out. With Love, Fawna

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dynamic Ease Newsletter

Welcome to Creative Insights,
the free ezine for people at a crossroads in life, who want to tune into their spirit to take their best next step.

In this Issue:
~Personal Note from Kerry
~ Feature Story: My Favorite Daily Practice
~Meditation CDs and E-mail Readings
~About Kerry

A Personal Note
Dear Fawna~

I often talk about Gratitude being a great energy to tune into and explore in order to enhance your life. Gratitude is not about being thankful when things are good and ignoring the things that are bad. It's not about pretending things don't bother you.

It's about acknowledging where you are right now, and looking for the good. Even, and especially, at times when you would tend to frown upon your situation. I should know. Right now I have a choice: continue to love being pregnant at 40+ weeks or wallow, worry and try to control when he's going to arrive.

I'm choosing to enjoy the extra time to myself and to deepen my knowing that everything happens in divine right order. I've developed this daily gratitude practice for myself, enlisted help from a partner, and strengthened it by being a gratitude matchmaker for others.

This helps when the going gets rough, because it's a positive practice to fall back on. But, don't take my word for it, read the featured story to receive another viewpoint on the joys of gratitude.

Warmly and With Grace,

FEATURE STORY: My Favorite Daily Practice

My Favorite Daily Practice by Fawna Bews

One year ago this weekend I flew to Chicago with 2 of my closest friends. On a surreal adventure we were off to watch the Oprah show. One of the highlights of this trip was meeting my 'Gratitude Buddy', Kerry Sammon, for the first time face to face.

Let me back up a little, in early 2009 I received an email from a stranger. Kerry's email read something like this "This might seem strange, but I read this article about 2 women who were gratitude buddies and how it changed their lives and when I ask my guidance who would be good I keep getting your name- I know you don't know me, but what do you think?"

Kerry and I had shared a coach, Sharon Desjarlais, and she had used some of my work as examples for Kerry. I enthusiastically replied 'yes' and we began a near daily exchange of gratitude emails.

In an unspoken pact Kerry and I did not exchange any other details of our lives- gratitude only. I can't tell you how joyful it is to get to know someone only by what they are grateful for. Our gratitude ranged from the minute- I am grateful for green grass- to the Divine- I am grateful for God's love for me and everything in between.

Gradually over the next couple of months it came out that we had both started out with careers as Physical Therapists and had moved on to do CranioSacral and Intuitive work. We had both had cancer in our late 20's and were survivors who now take thyroid medication as a result. We both had birthdays in March and we were consistently reading the same books.

Daily gratitude with Kerry has truly changed my life. I often find myself composing the emails in my head, capturing gratitude that may otherwise have gone unnoticed. I purposefully use the gratitude emails to lift my spirits when I'm down.

Dusty (my husband) has long since stopped asking me what I am smiling at- I have a 'patented gratitude smile' that comes when I read Kerry's gratitude emails and more than once I have been literally laughing out loud at my Mac.

Kerry is now offering to be a 'gratitude matchmaker' and I am quite sure that she would agree with me that this single and simple act has enriched our daily lives and impacted our success in the past 18 months.

So, back to flying to Chicago. There at the airport was my dear new friend Kerry- we were not in the car 5 minutes before we were in deep conversation about the joy of being human.

We spent 4 days in her home/wellness center- taking in Oprah, meditating together and painting her workspace. I am so grateful to have Kerry in my life.

If you are looking for simplicity in self help, for ease of movement, for the quick fix- try gratitude, it's working for me.

Fawna Bews

If you'd like to develop or strengthen a gratitude practice of your own, simply reply "gratitude matchmaker" and I will happily pair you up.
There are currently no events scheduled for October. Kerry will be on maternity leave during this time.
Email readings/sessions and meditation CDs will continue to be available during this time. For either, simply reply "e-reading" or "meditation CD list" and I will follow up with details.
Stay tuned for upcoming events.

Busy? On the Go? Check out these E-reading rates:
$40: One Question
$70: One Question, deeper look, Healing (Chakra balancing, Aura, Energy system)
$95: Full Session (Framing of Issue, In-depth Insight, Healing, Next Step)

Private session booking is easy. Readings, spiritual coaching, and one-on-one meditation sessions are available via email. Feel free to call or e-mail me. I'm happy to help you set it up.

CD's of meditations and events are always available.
About Kerry Sammon
Kerry Sammon is a six-sensory teacher, body-worker and healer who helps people who are stuck, stressed or simply wanting more, to tune into their spirit, feel good in their body and enhance their lives.

A Clairvoyant Reading offers insight as you go through transitions in you life. This allows you the opportunity to negotiate through challenges with ease.

As a professional clairvoyant and spiritual coach, Kerry helps you learn more about where you are now, so you can make the necessary shifts to experience the life you desire. Based on seeing you as Spirit, a one-on-one session speaks to your true heart and nature. This helps you to take your best next step.

Body-Work Session: You are invited to relax in loose comfortable clothing on a massage table as you receive gentle hands-on therapy.

As a physical therapist and practitioner of CranioSacral therapy, Zero Balancing and the Healing Arts, Kerry offers holistic care to adults and children. By blending the art and science of traditional and alternative techniques, a session with Kerry unlocks long held patterns of pain and increases your energy.

Do you know other open-minded people who'd like some insight? You're welcome to forward this e-mail to them, preferably in its entirety, including the contact and copyright information.

Warmest Regards,

Dynamic Ease LLC, 3424 N. Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60618, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Monday, September 27, 2010

September Newsletter- Honoring your Rhythm

Hot Tips for A Happy Life
September 2010
Honoring your Rhythm

**New COURSES at bottom**

Happy Fall. It is exquisitely beautiful here in Longview this year.
The yellows of the tree's against the still green grass and bright
blue sky's today are almost blinding.

Last month we talked about 'which Wolf are you feeding?'

Nature definitely feeds my good wolf- even standing in the rain- which we
have had a lot of chances to do recently. We sometimes add new
stories about the weather- too windy, too cold etc. but when we just
tune in to where we are here and now and sense the richness of being outside
it is often expanding and illuminating.

Today I am going to talk about honoring your seasons. There is just so much
to learn from watching the cycles and rhythms of nature.



Life is about rhythm, the changing of the seasons, the tides, the cycles of the moon.
And yet we as a part of nature are often in complete denial of this.

Pushing relentlessly we can expect 'constant Spring' from ourselves, expecting to be
ever producing, ever blooming and consistently fired up. I've been on twitter a lot lately
and most of the quotes that are tweeted glorify constant doing, creating, pushing and persistence.
I have nothing against this. But haven't you noticed that while this is easy and fun at times, at
other times it is completely against how you are feeling? Have you noticed that we can get
bitter, resentful and stressed out?

I am reminded of my son's venture into gardening this summer. He planted his little seed and then hourly
for two days check and rechecked for growth- even digging it up a time or two and replanting. Do you do
that? I know that I do.

When I really tune in to what 'my bliss' is, there are times of busyness and times of rest, of course there
are things I need to do like feeding my kids, but there are times when I need more rest, more nurture- or
even just more fun!

And what about productivity? I have a business I need to attend to! Well, surprisingly as I honor my energy
levels and my innermost desires (as opposed to shoulds and have to's) my productivity soars! Rather than
slogging through things I rest when I'm called to and I fly when I'm called to- refreshed and
renewed and often with more purpose and clarity.

Tune in to where you are at right now 1. Stop 2. Breathe 3. Ask- am I in planning phase?, am I planting?
am I harvesting? am I in need of hibernation? 4. Try it out- even for a part of a day- honor that feeling instead
of what you mind might say you HAVE to do.

Then let me know- I would love to hear how you are doing.


Self Promotion Bit...

Treatment sessions will be $1 per minute continuing to the end of the year and will rise after that- this has been
my year long 10 year Cancer free special- 2 more months if you are wanting to have help tuning in to
that wisest part of yourself and feel relaxed and rejuvenated to boot!

COURSES- after a bit of a hibernation from training I am happy to be offering a short series

"Kitchen Table Awareness"

1. OCTOBER 23: All about the Ego
*explore the concept of the Ego and how to STOP LISTENING TO WORRY AND GUILT!!!

Everyone tells me to follow my bliss- but I don't even know what it is or how to find it!!!
*guided meditations, exploration and connection boards uncover what truly makes you sing- a day
of discovery to prepare you for setting your 2011 intentions.

Courses are at my Kitchen Table here in Longview $60 each or prepaid $100 for both.
10 am- 3pm with lunch included.

OUTRAGEOUS GUARANTEE- I guarantee that these days will be absolutely amazing- or you can have
your investment back :)

Contact me at
Love You.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Conspiracy Theory

Fawn, Whitetail deer (odocoileus virginianus), in wildflowers, close-up, USA

I've been experiencing life in a very different way lately. I don't know why. I could pontificate and extrapolate and anal-yze- but the basic truth is- I don't know why.

The last few days I've been downish- not depressed, not angry (well, a couple of times)- just not my usual self. Strangely though it's been fine. For so long I've been reading book after book that say "just be" "let go of the stories" and it seems that after much willingness that is what awareness is showing me now.

I have been experiencing life- late for kids at bus- them upset, deleted some writing that I had done, some work 'stress', updated news on a friends illness etc. and I've felt feelings about them, but not suffered. Truly, I have not been singing the "it shouldn't be this way" song. It is an absolute relief.

In addition to this there has been a conspiracy to cheer and lighten me. 2 Does each with twin fawns crossed my path yesterday- a gorgeous rainbow, a bluebird and completely unsolicited and unexpected outpourings of love from near and far. So, I have complied.
Why fight it?

I had this happen a couple of months ago too, it lasted about a week, a week where I just took things for how they were, without the mental chatter.

My mantra, starting about a year ago, has been that 'the Universe is created for my delight'. Anything that did not fit that description would be placed in the "oops- must be seeing that wrong- thanks" file.

This is a noticing only, no lesson, no teaching, no story- thanks for letting me share.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Favorite Daily Practice

One year ago this weekend I flew to Chicago with 2 of my closest friends. On a surreal adventure we were off to watch the Oprah show (see previous blog for the details).

One of the highlights of this trip was meeting my 'Gratitude Buddy' Kerry Sammon for the first time face to face.

Let me back up a little, in early 2009 I received an email from a stranger. Kerry's email read something like this "This might seem strange, but I read this article about 2 women who were gratitude buddies and how it changed their lives and when I ask my guidance who would be good I keep getting your name- I know you don't know me, but what do you think?". Kerry and I had shared a coach, Sharon Desjarlais and she had used some of my work as examples for Kerry.

I enthusiastically replied 'yes' and we began a near daily exchange of gratitude emails. In an unspoken pact Kerry and I did not exchange any other details of our lives- gratitude only. I can't tell you how joyful it is to get to know someone only by what they are grateful for. Our gratitude ranged from the minute- I am grateful for green grass- to the Divine- I am grateful for God's love for me and everything in between.

Gradually over the next couple of months it came out that we had both started out with careers as Physical Therapists and had moved on to do CranioSacral and Intuitive work. We had both had cancer in our late 20's and were survivors who now take thyroid medication as a result. We both had birthdays in March and we were consistently reading the same books.

Daily gratitude with Kerry has truly changed my life. I often find myself composing the emails in my head, capturing gratitude that may otherwise have gone unnoticed. I purposefully use the gratitude emails to lift my spirits when I'm down.

Dusty (my husband) has long since stopped asking me what I am smiling at- I have a 'patented gratitude smile' that comes when I read Kerry's gratitude emails and more than once I have been literally laughing out loud at my Mac.

Kerry is now offering to be a 'gratitude matchmaker' and I am quite sure that she would agree with me that this single and simple act has enriched our daily lives and impacted our success in the past 18 months.

So, back to flying to Chicago. There at the airport was my dear new friend Kerry- we were not in the car 5 minutes before we were in deep conversation about the joy of being human (I will blog on this conversation tomorrow- it's a gooder). We spent 4 days in her home/wellness center- taking in Oprah, meditating together and painting her workspace.

I am so grateful to have Kerry in my life.

If you are looking for simplicity in self help, for ease of movement, for the quick fix- try gratitude, it's working for me.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Banging Heads

Yesterday morning my nephew came over for his weekly play date. Tony is 3 and Gus is 4, "Gus, Tony's here" and with that Gus came running and Tony went running for him. BAM. Head to head, knocking them both over. I held my breathe, they looked at each other- rubbed their heads and burst out laughing. Whew, what a difference a couple of months make.
When my sister in law and I made the agreement to each have the boys a day a week it was a survival strategy. They are both the third kid, tough and rambunctious and exceedingly curious (read- destructive!). The first few dates were tenuous. A head banging incident such as this one would have meant yelling, blaming, tears, "your not my friend" and an hour or two of consoling.
So what happened? A relationship happened. Trust happened. Somehow these two boys have developed the ability to 'let things go'.
It reminds me of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul Story" about a man in an airport. His kids are running around and annoying the other passengers, after a long period of this the man apologizes to the writer with "I guess none of us know what to do since their mother died". WOW instant change of perspective.
Is it safe to assume that if you knew more about people you would be more forgiving?
Today I'm thinking that if Gus and Tony can do it, I can probably muster some 'overlooking'- Thanks Boys! Uh, oh - where are they now? gotta go...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

If I were the Dalai Lama

AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND - DECEMBER 05:  His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama speaks at the Vector Arena on December 5, 2009 in Auckland, New Zealand. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet is visiting New Zealand conducting Public teachings to New Zealanders.  (Photo by Hannah Johnston/Getty Images)At a workshop a month ago a lovely man was sharing his experience of attending a talk by the Dalai Lama. He spoke of the happiness and peace that the Dalai Lama exuded, the feeling in the room, the fellowship of the large group.

The thought that occurred to me was- how peaceful and happy would you or I be if you were told from early childhood that you were special, that you were a spiritual leader, that you were 'the one'? It worked for Jesus!

The Buddha was raised as a wealthy prince, so beloved by his parents that they did not want him to see anything that would upset him. He was told that he was special.

I looked up Muhammed to see what kind of childhood he had. He too had a privileged upbringing, his parents died early, but- and I don't know this for sure- there was a good chance that he too was treated as very special. They were wealthy people and after his parents death Muhammed was raised by his grandfather and Uncle.

How would you behave if you were told (and you believed) that you were the face of God on Earth? How would you treat people if you were told that you were a great teacher?
Would you find it easier to speak directly to the Divine if you had been told that you could? If you believed that you were valuable and special?

What if you believed it now?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

July/August Newsletter

Hot Tips For A Happy Life
July and August 2010


Sitting here today completely enjoying 'So You Think You Can Dance Canada' and I'm amazed at how my

body knows good dance. Certain dancers just bring tears to my eyes, completely beyond thinking and rationalizing,

just unsolicited tears, goosebumps or involuntary dancing along. This speaks to June's newsletter- Did you try it?

Did you figure out what really 'jazzes' you. Don't worry if it was hard- that's part of the process, it's absolutely amazing

how disconnected we can be and continue to function, albeit unhappily, in this world. This is why I gave you an extra month

to work on it (smiles).

Often it is easier to know what definitely 'unjazzes' (made up word- feel free to use). These, 'definitely not this' moments

can be harvested too. Play with them, flip them- I hate mornings to I love evenings for instance.

That brings me to this months topic, as promised- "okay- I noticed that I am about 99% default program- what do I do"?




Okay, here's the thing. As children we are essentially an open book to be written upon, your actual brain waves are almost

always in alpha and theta- perfect for learning, with alpha creating a port between the subconscious and the conscious mind.

This is not to blame anyone because we are all in the same boat!

The process of waking up, finding consciousness, self awareness, self actualization, the road to joy- whatever you would

like to call it are essentially ways to describe undoing the programming or domestication of ourselves. The 'just noticing'

process that you tried in June was the starting point, if you missed the June issue you can read it at

Once you notice though, how do you delete this programming you no longer want? I would love to have just one quick answer to this

question, but like the good coach that I am, I am going to ask you another question.

But first- a story-

A Grandfather from the Cherokee Nation was talking with his grandson.
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.

"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves."

"One wolf is evil and ugly: He is anger, envy, war, greed, self-pity, sorrow, regret, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride,

superiority, selfishness and arrogance. "The other wolf is beautiful and good: He is friendly, joyful, peace, love, hope, serenity,

humility, kindness, benevolence, justice, fairness, empathy, generosity, true, compassion, gratitude, and deep VISION."

"This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other human as well."

The grandson paused in deep reflection because of what his grandfather had just said. Then he finally cried out; "Oyee! Grandfather,

which wolf will win?"The elder Cherokee replied, "The wolf that you feed."

The question is, "How do you feed your good wolf?". A lot of counseling, coaching and spiritual teachings focus on the

'bad wolf', my preference is to feed that good wolf, allow the rest to be noticed, to fall away and enjoy yourself in the process.

Now, don't get me wrong- I'm not advocating repressing, hiding or ignoring those less desirable feelings or thoughts- quite the opposite- feel it completely,

it's part of the human game, but as soon as you have felt it reach for the nearest 'good wolf food'.

Follow your Bliss friend! Next month: "The Work"- a great tool for a truly happy life.


I'd love for this to be a two way conversation, don't hesitate to send me your comments, questions or enthusiastic praise.

I also invite you to join me for a one on one session in my cozy cabin. September is a bit of a time of renewal or starting over. Like New Years

many of us make plans around "when the kids are back in school I will...". Using a variety of gentle and powerful techniques I can enhance your

intuition and your connection to the answers that you need, they are all right there inside of you. Call me at 403 558 2236 or check out my website.

I think I can dance...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June Newsletter

Hot Tips For A Happy Life
June 2010

I'm writing this from the U of C campus and I am jazzed. Why?

I could make up a bunch of reasons, but I believe that the truth is I just

love this environment, the sea of humanity- the learning lean- love it.

Paige (my daughter) on the other hand is dragging her feet and her exact words are

"it smells like too many different kinds of coffee, I don't like it, let's get out of here".

So today's happy tip- notice who you are.


This sounds so obvious, right?

But the truth is many people have no idea and thereby spend time and energy on wondering

why they are not happy or who they should be like or defaulting to a program set by society, parents,

friends- whoever.

More and more I am getting away from the story of 'working' on things, trying, learning- anything that

presupposes effort and the need to change yourself. I am going to use the word 'notice' but in the most

passive of ways.

As you go about doing what you do, feeling what you feel, notice the YOU in it. Notice when it feels like

you- default program- or YOU- resonating with who you ARE.

BUT how do I know the difference? I believe that, like in poker, everyone has their tell. As I walk across

campus I 'feel a zing', words are limited in describing how I know that 'student' might describe one identity

that harmonizes with the 'Fawna Experience'. Feel for your 'tell' and the moments that time feels 'just right'.

Next month I will talk about- "okay- I noticed that I am about 99% default program- what do I do"?

Have a fantastic June and watch for the glint of you,

wishing you 'aliveness',


I just returned from retreating at Inspired Futures Destination Coach Sequel- aka Fawna Heaven!

With this I am happy to add 'coaching' to my portfolio.

For a fully integrated body, mind, spirit session in my cozy cabin, please call 403 558 2236 or send me a note.


Happy Summer, Talk to you in July

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Miracle Of Trust

So, the Universe says to me. Truly, do you need to take another workshop, how about experience instead?

So far I am saying 'Yes'.

As of today the Miracle of Trust workshop that I was promoting is no longer happening. I have booked a venue and am unsure if there will be financial obligations and I have spent funds on promotions and printing.

Oh, NO! My old self would say. But new me is saying "Wow, I wonder what is going to happen next".

This is partially due to the fact that I had intuitively gotten the message to not worry about low enrollment in the course because it was not going to happen. Not worrying is always a good message, no matter what the 'great' reason for worrying might be.

I am feeling a strange inner peace, mixed with interest and excitement at how this will all turn out.

I must say, there is tangible and 'here and now' benefits to practicing Trust and being in the place of still hearing my ego but not having it determine my mood and behavior.

I am going to choose creativity over anxiety today.

I will keep you posted.

Love and light,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hot Tips For A Happy Life- May 2010

Hot tips For A Happy Life
May 2010

Welcome to the premier issue of Hot Tips, my intention is to share the

information that has been leading me to a more and more joyful life.

Thank You to those who have signed up on my website to receive this,

for the rest of you, you are on my mailing list and I wanted to give you a preview.

If your mailbox is just too full already to get a monthly newsletter- just send a reply

with "no thanks" and I will take you off of this list :)


This months message is: Observer Status

I recently came across a great metaphor for life, I love it because it is non-judgmental and

just offers you the choice of how you want to experience life.

Consider life as a football game, on the sidelines everything is aggressive, alive and all of your

senses are engaged. The smell, the action, the excitement and the emotion are full on.

Most of us live this way most of the time, completely immersed in the game.

Okay now, let's take a few steps up the bleachers (in real life- breathe, meditate, take a walk).

All of a sudden it is less intense, you can see the organization better, you can relax a little.

Often people will lament that they 'can't' meditate because their mind is too busy. The truth is

that even noticing a busy mind is more aware than we generally are and a step in the right direction.

Eventually you may even try stepping into the blimp! From the blimp you can see the full game, the

beauty of the colors and everything and everyone that goes into it. You can see that there are things

going on outside of the game and that maybe, just maybe there is an organizing principle.

For those of you that are more animal oriented, less about sports, consider the eagle's view. When you

are finding yourself caught up with the action, uncomfortable and frustrated, overwhelmed- take a higher

post. Take in the big picture- use your imagination in this and play with it and mostly notice what is going


Part of being happy is knowing yourself- knowing yourself without judgement, this month try taking observer

status- watch the game a little.

Thanks to Robert Scheinfeld- for the inspiration

Upcoming Events:

**Tomas Vieira and Nouk Sanchez- May 28-30- Miracles of Trust Workshop to register

Friendly Endorsements:

f*r*e*e* teleseminar:

I Have a Dream... Now What

Thursday, May 13, 2010
11:00 PDT
12:00 MDT
2:00 EDT

Click here to sign up:

Love, Laugh, Learn
Freedawn Creations
Alisa & Glenna

Last but not least, have a wonderful month,
Love You,

new website, new blog, new ebook (gotta love spring)

**Get Outta Town, consider taking a Longview Break- Inner Tranquility Healing Retreat, Highwood River Inn
and My little cabin, contact me if you would like more info.

Thank you to my gratitude buddy- Kerry Sammon- for featuring me in her ezine this month-

Guest Ezine- Creative Insights

Welcome to Creative Insights,
the free ezine for people at a crossroads in life, who want to tune into their spirit to take their best next step.
Important: You are receiving this ezine because you subscribed to it. To un-subscribe simply scroll to the end.
In this Issue:
~a Note from Kerry
~Meditation this Thursday: Having Your Relationships
~Feature Article: Year of The Share- Fawna's Story
~Calender of Events
~Special Announcements
~About Kerry

A Personal Note from Kerry

About 1 year ago, I heard about 2 women who exchanged gratitude emails everyday to enhance their appreciation of life. I thought it was a great idea and began to brainstorm on who would be the perfect partner for me.

A name, "popped" into my mind. I dismissed it. After all, I didn't know this woman, but had simply read her website with intrigue as I was creating mine. She'd think I was crazy if she got a random email from me asking to be gratitude partners.

I went to walk my friend's dog, and had my mind on other things. I had wondered again about a gratitude partner and then quickly had the least jerked and about fell over. In the process my phone fell out. The screen highlighted on a name "Fawna" as an email had come in from her e-zine.

I giggled at the "coincidence", put my pride aside and invited her to be my buddy. She happily replied with a gratitude email to start things off, and we have been enhancing one another's lives ever since.

If you'd like a gratitude buddy of your own, let me know, I will gladly match you up and get you started on a journey of appreciation and receiving wonderful gifts as a result. Simple respond "gratitude" to this email, I'll take care of the rest.

Here's a great story from Fawna about giving and receiving and the lessons she is learning along the way.


September of 2009 was a busy month. When I received Velva Dawn's email asking me to please, please, please click on the link that she had provided and put my name (and hers) in for Oprah tickets my first thought was- we are too busy to go to Oprah. Fortunately I was just coming off of a workshop about putting others needs above your own.

Well, 2 days later I was checking messages, the subject line said "congratulations", I opened it and lo and behold, we had 4 seats to the Oprah Show. My immediate thought was "I don't need to go", leading me on an internal journey about 'need' and my habit of dismissing gifts from the Universe- I'm fine, don't need anything, I'm good, don't worry about me- tiresome!

I got over it and informed the 3 lovely ladies on my guest list that we were going to Oprah. One of my guests was our very own Kerry Sammon.

Early last year I received an email "you don't know me but...", with an article about 2 women who were gratitude buddies and a request to be her buddy. We began to email daily about our gratitude. Only gratitude, no life details, and the gratitude ran the gamut from the mundane "I'm grateful for beer" to the sublime "I'm grateful for the presence of the Divine in my life". I can't put into words how this has lifted my spirits and left me with a goofy look on my face.

Okay, back to Oprah. All of my ego worries were relieved quickly, I used Airmiles and paid only $74 for my ticket, my Mom and Dad volunteered to take the kids, it was game on. The Oprah show topic- Hoarders (read: no gifts!). It was interesting and well done and over in a flash. I particularly liked how Oprah handled 'the expert'.

We had a wonderful breakfast and discussed the reason that we may have been at the Hoarders show, hiding our disappointment at not getting any stuff :). I came away with the thought that my hoarding comes in the form of hoarding information- taking in everything in sight and never sharing or letting it go. A major block to the dream of being an author.

2010 is therefore the 'year of the share' for me, and if this is any indication- so far-so good.

To Learn more about the fabulous Fawna Bews, Check her out at:
facebook profile:

Events at Dynamic Ease Wellness Center in Chicago:

Qi Gong/Moving Meditation Mondays: Every Monday, 6-7 pm. Simply respond "Qi Gong" to this email if you'd like to attend. $10
Learn to feel energy through your hands and sense it coursing through your body. Simple movements are involved and it's easy to incorporate this into your day. It clears your head and leaves you feeling well-balanced, healthy and alive.
Dynamic Ease Meditation: Every Thursday, 7:30-8:30pm. Simply respond "Meditation" to this email if you'd like to attend. $10
Theme for May: Havingness=The ability to have, to receive.
May 13th: Having Your Relationships
May 20th: Having Financial Success
May 27th: Having Balance in Your Life
Psychic Play Date Workshop: Coming Soon. Stay tuned for details.
People often ask me, "What's it like to be psychic?" Well, it's easy and fun, and quite frankly we are all doing it, everyday.
This interactive workshop uses games and simple techniques to learn to tune into your energy and the energy around you. This is useful in making strong decisions from a natural state of well-being.

Busy? On the Go? Check out these E-reading rates:
$40: One Question
$70: One Question, deeper look, Healing (Chakra balancing, Aura, Energy system)
$95: Full Session (Framing of Issue, In-depth Insight, Healing, Next Step)

Private session booking is easy. Readings and spiritual coaching, one-on-one meditation sessions and hands-on work are available in person, by phone or via computer video call. Feel free to call or e-mail me. I'm happy to help you set it up.
Not in Chicago? Inquire about a phone call-in, or even a video call from the convenience of your computer. Simply respond "phone me in" or "Skype me in" and mention the workshop you are interested in. I'll help you set it up. Two days advance notice is requested.

About Kerry Sammon
Kerry Sammon is a six-sensory teacher, body-worker and healer who helps people who are stuck, stressed or simply wanting more, to tune into their spirit, feel good in their body and enhance their lives.

A Clairvoyant Reading offers insight as you go through transitions in you life. This allows you the opportunity to negotiate through challenges with ease.

As a professional clairvoyant and spiritual coach, Kerry helps you learn more about where you are now, so you can make the necessary shifts to experience the life you desire. Based on seeing you as Spirit, a one-on-one session speaks to your true heart and nature. This helps you to take your best next step.

Body-Work Session: You are invited to relax in loose comfortable clothing on a massage table as you receive gentle hands-on therapy.

As a physical therapist and practitioner of CranioSacral therapy, Zero Balancing and the Healing Arts, Kerry offers holistic care to adults and children. By blending the art and science of traditional and alternative techniques, a session with Kerry unlocks long held patterns of pain and increases your energy.

Do you know other open-minded people who'd like some insight? You're welcome to forward this e-mail to them, preferably in its entirety, including the contact and copyright information.

Warmest Regards,

Dynamic Ease LLC, 3424 N. Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60618, USA

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Soul Tender

Happy Mothers Day!

This is a poem that I wrote several years ago after recovering from Cancer and having

been separated from my 1 year old and 2 year old during treatment.

Soul Tender

My children, my gifts
You come into this world
whole, as perfection.

It is not I who molds and shapes,
not I who creates you.

You are profound.

I, Mother, am here to tend your soul,
to maintain the light and the love
that is of you and in you.

My intention is not to complete you,
But to remember you
with the awe and love
of your first few precious minutes-
and to reflect that back to you.

Should you stray from love
I will be there to remind you,
and your soul will be safe,
Joyful, Loved,
Well Tended.

Fawna Bews

Monday, May 3, 2010

Word of the Day: Surrender

Well, I was sneaking some moments before the kids got up this morning in my current read "In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness" by Eliza Mada Dalian, and the chapter I'm on is on surrender.

The 4 year old was crazy so reading was not working, on to making cookies (surrendering to the madness), I turned on Oprah Radio to listen to while baking and the topic- surrender. Okay Universe, I hear you.

I am quite certain that surrender is a prerequisite for a happy life. The Serenity Prayer is one of my very favorites:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Surrendering those things that I cannot change though- whoa- there is a gap between knowing and doing!

I often think of the visual of 'who is driving the bus'. My intention is to allow Spirit, the Divine, God to drive. I mean, she can see more than I can, all knowing/all seeing/ all powerful. And yet time after time I find myself leaning over and wrenching the wheel away.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't see anything 'wrong' with me driving the bus, but I have come to accept that my vision is limited and my agenda is often skewed- so it can get a little bumpy!!!

How does this look in the 'real' world? I've been starting to worry about not selling enough tickets to the Tomas Event - Miracles of Trust - weekend. I hope you are laughing. Miracles of Trust...yeah.

So I start emailing, and thinking and ruminating and analyzing, bumpity bump bump.

Finally after the book, the radio and my own remembering kicking in I let it go. I surrender, I give it back to the Holy Spirit and get back to my own business- at this moment- making cookies.

mmmmmm....coookies. Have a good day.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

From a fight to Appreciation

So, this is probably the most raw 'aha' that I've had in a while.

The morning started out pretty well, quiet Saturday, my husband asked
me to make him breakfast- I said 'No'- I just didn't want to.

Then I was doing some work for him on the computer and he was cooking
himself a sandwich and I asked if he could make me one. He said "that's funny".

Wow- even writing this makes me see that I became a bit crazed :), believe me
the story in my head was highly in my favor.

SO- I slammed down the computer, said "nevermind" and stormed out of the room (reasonable).

So, under the covers I began my internal rant- 'I have to do everything', 'why does
he have to be like that' 'he only focuses on what I don't do, not all of the things
I do do', exhausting, right? This brought me to the core of the issue 'he doesn't appreciate me.'

Well, I've been doing enough self help for 10 people and I have worked on being in
my body and listening to my story. This statement landed like an anvil in my gut and
that little voice inside said 'ding,ding,ding'.

Alright, then the work starts, if I am telling myself the story that 'he doesn't appreciate me'- and by the way this then extends to EVERYONE else- seriously- noone
appreciates me :). Byron Katie's work comes in there- Is this true- well no- how does
it make me feel? Defeated, sad, alone...How would I feel if I didn't tell myself this
story? well- for sure better.

So, I ask spirit to join me and I stare "noone appreciates me" in the face. Various images over time pop up along with rationales and defensiveness- I keep staring.

When it feels like I'm going to burst- the last straw "I don't appreciate myself"- aha.

So, now what? I try affirming- feels too light, I ask for spirit to cut all cords to this idea of appreciation from me over all time.

I then relax into the truth- I am infinite being, I am child of God, I am appreciated, and in fact I am appreciation. Ahhh- can you feel that? It was as if channels throughout my body opened up and I was awash in true surrender of this story.

An interesting development that has happened lately is that my attachment to an agenda is diminishing (in other words- I didn't immediately think- wow if I start to appreciate myself I will get a lot of good things).

I appreciate this venue to share, I appreciate you for having read through this,

Infinite Love and Gratitude,

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thanks Kim!

This one is for you Kim- thanks for moving me from the Lone Nut- and Jodi- thanks for sending me this!

Check out this video and blog- awesome! Click here

Happy Sunday!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Our Oprah Show Experience

A dear friend and I took a 3 year break from one another (that's a whole other story) and the other day at coffee I was telling her about our experience of going to Oprah.

This morning I feel compelled to share that story- before I forget :). There are so many layers and side stories, but I will try to be computer friendly.

UPI POY 2009 - Entertainment.

Going to the Oprah Show- September 2009

September of 2009 was a busy month, my business partner and I were stepping out and organizing a women's workshop weekend in the Kananaskis, school was starting and there was so much to do. When I received Velva Dawn's email asking me to please, please, please click on the link that she had provided and put my name (and hers) in for Oprah tickets my first thought was- we are too busy to go to Oprah.

Fortunately I was just coming off of a workshop with Tomas Vieira and in the workshop he had explained that a holy relationship consisted of making the needs of others your own. This idea popped in my head and I promptly filled out the forms- it took less than 5 minutes!!!!

Well, 2 days later I was coming home from a meeting and checking my blackberry, my brother was driving. The subject line said "congratulations". You know how many of those we receive so I didn't think that much about it, but I opened it and lo and behold, we had 4 seats to the Oprah Show.

My immediate thought was "I don't need to go", leading me on a big internal journey about 'need' and my habit of dismissing gifts from the Universe- I'm fine, don't need anything, I'm good, don't worry about me- tiresome!

Happily I knew where Velva Dawn was having lunch and I made a bee line for it. Acting cool and calm I showed her my blackberry and she responded as you would expect someone who has been trying for over 10 years on a monthly basis to get Oprah tickets.

I've read so much about people being in the flow, but this trip was absolutely and completely the embodiment of it. I truly spent no more than 30 seconds deciding who to put as my 3 guest on the online form, Velva Dawn was a given, we were working with my cousin and lifelong friend Jodi and living in Chicago was my Gratitude Buddy.

This side story begs to be told.

Early last year I received an email "you don't know me but...", with an article about 2 women who were gratitude buddies and a request to be hers! Kerry lives in Chicago and we began to email daily about our gratitude. Only gratitude, no life details, and the gratitude ran the gamut from the mundane "I'm grateful for beer" to the sublime "I'm grateful for the presence of the Divine in my life". I can't put into words how this has lifted my spirits, left me with a goofy look on my face and inspired me. I could do an entire blog- or a book on this practice and the synchronicity between Kerry and I.

Okay, back to Oprah. All of my ego worries were relieved quickly, I used Airmiles and paid only $74 for my ticket, my Mom and Dad easily volunteered to take the kids, my husband was super supportive and bam- it was game on.

The 4 days were full of deep talks, eating, eating and more eating, the Oprah show and painting Kerry's Wellness center!

Thanks to Velva Dawn's attention to time we were second in line! The Oprah show is a well oiled machine and we were herded from line to line, with the other adrenaline driven, brightly dressed party goers. Conversation primarily centered on the stress of what to wear to Oprah and what the show was going to be on (read as: maybe we will be given a car).

Entering the studio was surreal, exciting and underwhelming at the same time. We were ushered across the stage and put in the 2nd and 3rd rows. And then she came out!

Shorter than we had expected, but definitely the Queen of the castle; she had someone to change her from flip flops to extremely high, extremely cute shoes.

The show- Hoarders (read: no gifts!). It was interesting and well done and over in a flash. I particularly liked how Oprah handled 'the expert', calling him out and getting him to move out of his head. You could almost taste his desire to please her and look good, talk about pressure. The guests were great, and interesting for me as I had spent the previous Saturday watching about 4 episodes of the 'Hoarders' show.

After the show it was off to the Oprah store, yikes, everything Oprah (even some of her old clothes)- a little overwhelming for me I ended up going home empty handed but getting a great picture of me and a human sized, blow up rat outside.

We had a wonderful breakfast and discussed the reason that we may have been at the Hoarders show, hiding our disappointment at not getting any stuff :).

I came away with the thought that my hoarding comes in the form of hoarding information- taking in everything in sight and never sharing or letting it go. A major block to the dream of being an author.

2010 is therefore the 'year of the share' for me, so far-so good.

Before you drift off, our final day was spent painting- yep, painting! Strange as it may sound, and strange as it seemed- Velva Dawn and I were hyped to paint Kerry's Wellness Centre (Dynamic Ease). It had been a hair salon and was various hues of lime green and bright pink, not exactly the relaxing atmosphere that Kerry was going for.

We were fresh off of a month of painting Velva Dawn's wellness center (Inner Tranquility) and empowered to help this generous friend. A busy morning and afternoon left Chicago with a gorgeous brown and cream wellness space. Kerry was in awe of
our painting prowess and type A attack of the room.

The return home was in pure gratitude and awe for how magical life can work when we get out of our own way.

Thanks for letting me share, I'd love to hear what intrigues you most about this story.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Titanic Thoughts

Exxon Valdez Oil Disaster 15 Years Later
My Aha today came while driving to work. I had just had an
invigorating conversation with Jodi (
and had been using metaphor after metaphor.

I just love word pictures.

The one that came to me as I was driving is not new, but I want
to share it to cement it.

We are like an iceberg, a very small portion of who we are is above
board- the rest, the vast majority is hidden. The top our conscious
awareness, the bottom our subconscious.

The largest part is not only hidden from others, but often from ourselves.

The Aha part came when I was considering the ocean- I thought- the ocean is
God (or intention, or all, or whatever you call it), all around us.

Then, what is an iceberg- it is the exact same as the water, just in a temporarily
different state.

So today I am considering myself an iceberg, I'm trying to stay in touch with
the ocean so that I can have contact with some of what's underneath, and eventually
I trust that I will return to the wholeness.

Ahoy Matey!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

waking up? ready to be committed?

My mantra for the last week has been "I don't know anything".

Today I am sitting with this in a fun kind of irreverance that to me
is a sign that I'm starting to wake up.

I see the awake phase as quite fun, silly even- but then again-
I don't know anything!!!

I was listening to Chopra and Oprah this morning (and making Dusty
listen too- if he's going to be my guru he needs to get up to speed).

Deepak called life as we are living in it "a socially induced collective hallucination".

How great is that!!! This would sum up my current belief system, that
we are so much more than we usually perceive- and yet- isn't that just
hilariously pompous.

When I knew I was really in the jive today though was when I was playing
"Bejewelled" and realized that with no kids here I could do some Yoga- the screen came up
and said "Are you sure you want to quit" and I accidentally (!) pushed no,
well, then I started to laugh- I'm not sure- I don't know anything. I could have
stayed in that feedback loop all day, but really, I'm going to do some yoga.

Cheers to your day (aka the socially induced collective hallucination).

Monday, February 22, 2010

An Aha before 7 am- wow!

This morning I was reading Toltec Prophecies by don Miguel Ruiz and Mary Carroll Nelson and this sentence jumped out at me...

"We are God dreaming that we are not God".

It is a sentence that just makes me want to take it all in. Then I realized that it is like a big delicious sub sandwich on Italian bread (mmm, italian bread). It looks so good that you take the biggest bite and then bam, ouch. It gets stuck mid throat and you get that burning pain in your sternum from taking too big of a bite.

Big wisdom such as this is painful to take in in a big bite- it requires the release of so much preprogramming and calls for true responsibility.

So for today I will take nibbles and enjoy ingesting, allowing the words to digest and the best parts to become a part of me.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm reading OSHO- The Book Of Understanding and was just moved by a sentence.

"Is the rose selfish when it blooms?"

Jumping out of my skin would describe how I feel about this little sentence- whoop, whoop- high five- that sort of thing.

Selfishness has been a shadow following me, tapping me on the shoulder- looking for a way in. Armed in my righteousness I was impermeable, honorably suffering- "you are so nice", "thank you Fawna" "oh Fawna, you are so much better than SO and SO- they are so selfish".

The people in my life who most irritate me have a common label- selfish- and we all know what that means!

Selfishly I have kept myself above, kept myself away from the things I love, kept myself barricaded in a gilded cage of my own keeping.

Now I desire to be a rose, a rose as I was meant to be, being and doing joyful things, blooming.