Today I received this newsletter from my Gratitude Buddy Kerry Sammon,
her three tips today DO THE TRICK!
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey- enjoy Kerry (I do)
Here are a few helpful tidbits to pick you up for some weekend Fun!
Do all 3 in under 5 minutes or spend 30 seconds or less on just one:
Let go of 1 expectation. Think of an expectation you or someone else has placed on you for today. Notice how your heart feels.
Now, take a moment and imagine giving yourself a free pass. Just let go of that expectation. If you get it done great, if not, great. Now, notice how your heart feels having let that go. Ahhhhh. A little improvement goes a long way.
Find Your Beauty - Make one small change to your appearance right now that makes you feel better. Notice what a little spruce up does for your mood. Now, smile at yourself in a mirror and say "Wow, I love your..."
It's amazing how something small can make a huge difference in your self confidence. As you carry that throughout the day, you confidently embark on the next task.
Pat Yourself on the back. Congratulate yourself on one thing you have accomplished so far today. Physically pat yourself on the back. Go ahead.
I just patted myself on the back for getting my car washed. "Good Job, Kerry!" I actually felt joy in my heart while I did it and a little giddiness in my belly. How silly, yet how fun!
I truly wish for each of you, that a small shift, giggle or even a rolling of your eyes at my silliness has improved your day in some way. Sending you peace of mind, heart and soul today and everyday.
Events at Dynamic Ease Wellness Center in Chicago:
March Healing Hour: Wednesday March 16th , 7:30-8:30 pm. Simply respond "healing" to this email if you'd like to attend, or just show up. $10*.
Sit back, relax and enjoy a healing for your grounding, chakras, aura and energy system. Professional healers work neutrally to clear out any blocks and help you fill up with your natural energy.
*Free to Gilda's club members.
Email Readings: Ongoing. $40 Simply respond "e-reading" to this email if you'd like one today. Special offer when you come to an event and check in via facebook.
Creating Your Ideal Body and Fitness Level: Thursday May 5th at 7:30pm. Simply respond "right direction" to this email to reserve your seat today. Seating limited! $20 ahead or $25 at door.
Right Direction Running Director, Alex Dontchos, tells his tale of losing over 100 pounds and turning his life around. Having completed numerous endurance races including the Chicago Marathon and Triathlon, he coaches others on the ins and outs of small changes that make a big difference.
If you'd like to develop or strengthen a gratitude practice, simply reply "gratitude matchmaker" and I will happily get you started.
Busy? On the Go? Check out these E-reading rates:
$40: One Question
$70: One Question, deeper look, Healing (Chakra balancing, Aura, Energy system)
$95: Full Session (Framing of Issue, In-depth Insight, Healing, Next Step)
Private session booking is easy. Readings, spiritual coaching, and one-on-one meditation sessions are available via email. Feel free to call or e-mail me. I'm happy to help you set it up.
CD's of meditations and events are available. For a list and order form, simply reply "CD list" and I'll follow up.
Kerry Dontchos is a six-sensory teacher, body-worker and healer who helps people who are stuck, stressed or simply wanting more, to tune into their spirit, feel good in their body and enhance their lives.
A Clairvoyant Reading offers insight as you go through transitions in you life. This allows you the opportunity to negotiate through challenges with ease.
As a professional clairvoyant and spiritual coach, Kerry helps you learn more about where you are now, so you can make the necessary shifts to experience the life you desire. Based on seeing you as Spirit, a one-on-one session speaks to your true heart and nature. This helps you to take your best next step.
Body-Work Session: You are invited to relax in loose comfortable clothing on a massage table as you receive gentle hands-on therapy.
As a physical therapist and practitioner of CranioSacral therapy, Zero Balancing and the Healing Arts, Kerry offers holistic care to adults and children. By blending the art and science of traditional and alternative techniques, a session with Kerry unlocks long held patterns of pain and increases your energy.
Do you know other open-minded people who'd like some insight? You're welcome to forward this e-mail to them, preferably in its entirety, including the contact and copyright information.
Warmest Regards,
Dynamic Ease LLC, 3424 N. Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60618, USA