Sunday, June 26, 2011

Do-Be to Be-Do!

Doobie, doobie, doo... this little ditty has been running through my head all day.

It was sparked after a conversation with a dear friend of mine- she called in tears- "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?"

I reminded myself to 'hold the high note', accept her exactly at this point, and yet my mind
was super tempted to figure it out, to fix it, to make her comfortable. These things don't sound 'bad'
but there are in opposition to the peace that I want to be right now and are not examples of the acceptance that
I wish to offer my friends.

I listened and did the best I could to be present and not 'water the weeds' or build on the story- nor did I fall into

As I drove later on (the Holy Spirit loves to talk to me while I'm driving- or more accurately- that's when I listen),
it occurred to me that we quickly jump into the 'doing'.

There is the saying "we are human beings, not human doings".

Just as she had jumped into 'doing' mode, so had I. I was wondering "what can I do, what can I say".

The message I received, was to focus on the 'being' not the doing.

When I jump to doing I often follow the well worn path- also known as a rut- the reactive behaviours that have been
programmed and may or more often may not be appropriate to the situation. Almost like a script- "when you do this,
I do this" and then, as the definition of insanity goes 'expect a different outcome'.

I made the decision to choose to 'be' peaceful, to 'be' present and to see what doing unfolded from that.

In contrast to our first conversation our second conversation was not about the two of us panicking over our next 'do'.
I shared my do-be, be-do thoughts and in that we both shifted. The decision to be free, to be peaceful, to be calm- these
choices made the doing so much clearer.

SO, do be do be do- or be do be do be...what song are you doing to sing?

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